Prof Jonathan Serpell

Professor Serpell specialises in:

bullet Surgical assessment, diagnosis and management
bullet Thyroid surgery for thyroid cancer, goitres, thyrotoxicosis, Graves' disease and
    other thyroid disorders
bullet Parathyroid surgery (including minimally invasive parathyroidectomy)
bullet Adrenal surgery (including laparoscopic and retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy)
bullet Submandibular salivary surgery
bullet Lymph node biopsies
bullet Nodal dissections: axilla, neck and groin
bullet Breast surgery
bullet Clinical ultrasound in rooms

Professor Serpell attends multidisciplinary team meetings to develop collaborative treatment plans for patients, involving endocrine surgeons, endocrinologists, pathologists, radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians.

Practice Locations:

bullet No. 29 Specialist Centre, Frankston
bullet Breast and Endocrine Surgery Clinic, The Alfred Hospital, Prahran

Operating at:

bullet Peninsula Private Hospital
bullet Frankston Hospital
bullet The Alfred Hospital